Friday, August 15, 2014

Back to School Beauties!

Going back to school is a big deal when both of your parents are teachers, and your mom loves to celebrate the little things. 
How do we have a second grader and a kindergartner? 
The first day of school was wonderful. Lilly agreed to wear a dress for one more year, and was overjoyed with the amount of friends in her class. Both girls have amazing teachers. Iris is super excited to have Lilly's kindergarten teacher. Parents are asked to stay for the first day of kinder, and it is such an amazing day! Tears flowed all around the room (teacher too) as sweet books about growing up were read. After school, we always celebrate with a small cake and presents. The girls don't know it, but the gifts are things we would buy them anyway: new PE shoes, a new devotional to read before bed, and fancy pencils. Little things or big things... it depends on who you ask.

*My heart explodes when I see the years fly by in these last four photo collages. It's hard to believe I took these pictures every year since Lilly's first year in preschool. What's more amazing is the fact that I hadn't joined Pinterest yet! #insertwinkyface


  1. Who needs Pinterest when they have you! Great photos of two very pretty girls!

  2. luv looking back at the previous years.
